Oil Belt Farm and Ranch Club

The Oil Belt Farm & Ranch Club was started in 1958 with a group of producers in the Gregg County area. The main function of the club is to provide a common meeting place for beef and forage producers to exchange ideas and for educational purposes with the leadership of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. Membership is open to all people interested in agricultural production in the area. Our club expenses are minimal. Membership dues and donations to the club are used to fund the scholarship program.

The club usually meets on the 4th Tuesday evening of each month at the Gregg County Extension Office at 6:00 pm, during Day-Light Savings Time, we will try to have the meetings start at 7:00 to allow our members more time in the hay field or what ever else they are doing in the spring and summer months.

What is the Oil Belt Farm & Ranch Club and why should I be a member?